Self Healing Magic


Embark on a transformative journey with the power of sound through our Self Healing Magic Subliminal audio track. Tailored to tap into the profound depths of your subconscious mind, this subliminal message audio is crafted to unlock your innate healing powers. Experience a gentle, yet powerful, shift towards well-being as the hidden messages work to realign your inner energies and promote a sense of balance and renewal. Let the subtle frequencies guide you into a state of self-repair and watch as the magic unfolds within. Perfect for nightly rituals or daily meditations, this audio is your ally on the path to holistic health.
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Self Healing Magic Subliminal Message CD

Unleash The Hidden Power Of YOUR Subconscious Mind

With our unique subliminal self-help cds you can start changing your life today! – not tomorrow or next week!


Subliminal self-help CDs can change all areas of your life and we employ our unique 3 – Step Induction System™ not available anywhere else.

We all have the ability to unleash our inner subconscious mind to help us solve our problems and create a better life for ourselves.

Our subconscious mind can be programmed to respond to suggestions that cause those suggestions to manifest themselves in our lives in ways which are beyond our understanding and remain even to this day a mystery.

The subconscious mind does not think, reason or rationalise it only follows instructions.

Unleash the power of YOUR subconscious TODAY!






ALL THREE tracks including FREE worldwide shipping
(includes both audio, subliminal and silent versions)

Program your mind like software engineers program computers!

With our unique subliminal self help cds you can start changing your life today! – not tomorrow or next week!

All Our Subliminal Message CD’s Use Our Unique 3 – Step Induction System™

Track One –NLP Hypnosis MetaVision Program

Be Relaxed Audio Track

(For more on NLP Hypnosis MetaVision Program™ click here)

Combines the pioneering, deeper learning strategies of Dr. Milton Erickson and Neuro-Linguistic-Programming with the ancient wisdom of many religious, philosophical and mystical traditions – and has been intricately conceived to liberate the positive, life-transforming energy of your deeper mind!

Initially conceived by Dr.John Grinder and Richard Bandler, Neuro Linguistic Programming has been demonstrated in numerous psychological studies to provide effective techniques both for inducing positive emotional states and for replacing self-defeating behavior patterns with more attractive and life-enhancing alternatives.

You will be pleasantly surprised how effortless this process is – because you consciously don’t have to do anything except turn on your NLP Hypnosis MetaVision Programand sit or lie back comfortably, allowing yourself to be guided within your inner mind adventure.

Robert’s work is of exceptional quality both from an audio and content perspective. I would have no hesitation in recommending his products to anyone, be they experienced in the field of hypnosis or novices. The power of Ericksonian hypnosis is not to be underestimated and Robert’s programs are particularly potent. I am sure you will find this when you listen to one of his programs.

Andrew Ager

Combining these innovative approaches, the NLP Hypnosis MetaVision Programs™ generate within you a thoroughly positive life perception: naturally.

The Higher Self that is YOU – recognizes these truths and guides your mind towards more productive and life-affirming behavior patterns.

The NLP Hypnosis MetaVision Programs™ also utilize those strategies derived from ancient wisdom to insure that the Law of Attraction works for you.

Recent discoveries in the field of quantum theory have confirmed what religious and philosophical teachings throughout the centuries, ranging from the Bible to Eastern philosophy, have always asserted: your beliefs can affect the most basic level of the material universe.

You actually magnetize into your life what you believe most deeply.

This track is audible and takes your mind deeply into a relaxed state – ready for the next track.

This track is extremely powerful on it’s own and utilises the most fundamental maxims for subliminal life changing events – relaxation.

Track Two –Subliminal Encoded & Embedded Message™

YOUR CHOICE Subliminal Message Track

(For more on Subliminal Encoded & Embedded Message™ click here)

Your choice of life enhancing and dynamic powerful subliminal messages track, digitally encoded to install below the threshold of conscious perception.

A subliminal message is one of the most misunderstood and underrated performance enhancing tools of the decade. The term “subliminal” is derived from two Latin words, “sub”, meaning under, and “limen” meaning threshold. A subliminal message is the act of conveying a message directly to the subconscious mind…below the threshold of conscious awareness.

Subliminal programming is a method used to place pre-arranged thoughts or ideas into the subconscious mind and reinforcing pre-existing information stored in the subconscious or to increase a person’s selective attention.

A subliminal message is quite different than responding without awareness. Subliminal messages involves reacting to stimuli that are above your physiological thresholds but below your perceptual thresholds.

Throughout you’ll be presented with pure subliminal messages. These are layered with our specially designed and unique new age masking tracks to create powerful subliminal messages delivered direct to your subconscious brain.

Most subliminal Cd’s are created simply by mixing two tracks together with the vocal track’s volume lowered to make it ‘subliminal’.

Whether stereo confusion, compression, reverse messages, binaural beats etc. etc. are used, the final mix down remains the same.

The only true way to create a subliminal audio track is to utilise what is known as modulation following.

This is an extremely expensive process, which is why most companies just don’t bother (your not going to hear it any way).

This process involves modulating the vocal track to the backing track in such a way that the vocals are exactly matched to the backing track. In other words the vocal frequency wave is modulated to the backing track wave signals. When this is done the vocals are truely subliminal in that they are embedded within the backing track signal just below the threshold of conscious perception.

In the screen shot, notice how the subliminal track is not mixed “in” the music, but is at a higher frequency (i.e. “above” the music).

This means that these messages are more effective than normal subliminal messages because the subliminal messages are not competing with the sound mask (music), therefore are more effective.

The digitally encoded modulation of the vocal messages means the conscious mind cannot comprehend the subliminal messages. Yet through a process known as “compensation”, these words can be easily interpreted by the subconscious mind and begin the process of inner change.

Discover the power to change your mind and change your life – forever!

Track Three – Silent Technology™

The Law of Attraction Master Silent Audio Track

(For more on Silent Technology™ click here)

For the first time in history, experts from all over the world, in all the major fields such as science, psychology, medicine, spirituality, metaphysics, and human potential, are all agreeing that there is only one way, one process, one secret to creating anything in your life, including your happiness, prosperity, health, etc..

People like Bill Gates, Steve n Spielberg, Tiger Woods, J. Rockefeller, Einstein, Thoreau, Gandhi, and even Jesus and the Buddha have used this “secret” to create miracles. Scientists have discovered that behind the creation of everything in life, there is only one scientific process that is so powerful that once you know it, you could conceivably “create anything you desire.”

“Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the stream of thought that is forever flowing through one’s head.” – Mark Twain

“…realize in your daily life that ‘matter’ is merely an aggregation of protons and electrons subject entirely to the control of Mind; that your environment, your success, your happiness, are all of your own making… All wealth depends upon a clear understanding of the fact that mind- thought – is the only creator. The great business of life is thinking. Control your thoughts and you control circumstance.” – Robert Collier

“A man is what he thinks all day.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“There is a science to getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once you learn and obey these laws, you will get rich [or anything else you desire] with mathematical certainty. [The basic fact is]…we are a Thinking Substance, and thinking substance always takes the form of that which it thinks about.” – Wallace D. Wattles & Dr. Judith Powell

“Those people who think they can do something and those who think they can’t are both right.” – Henry Ford

“Every thought has the power to bring into being the visible from the invisible. It is absolutely necessary for us all to understand that everything we think, do or say comes back to us. Every thought, word or action- without exception- manifests itself [in some way] as an actual reality.” – Ann Wigmore

“Hold a picture of yourself long enough in your mind’s eye and you will be drawn toward it.” – Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” – William James

“I think, therefore I am.” – Rene Descartes

“You become what you think about.” – Earl Nightingale

Science is now proving that our physical universe is really made of energy. If you were to break down everything you see around you, including yourself, into smaller and smaller particles (atoms, electrons, protons etc.), you would end up with very small, subatomic particles, which is pure energy.

By using particle accelerators, physicists have discovered that subatomic particles (the essence or energy that makes up our physical world) appear to exist only when someone is thinking about them, or trying to observe them. When a scientist puts his or her attention on them, they flash into existence. This means that subatomic particles are created by sending thoughts in their direction.

When a scientist begins to observe a viewing area, the particles or essence of all physical matter materializes. “Our attention directed to the formless wave energy is what creates the reality that we call particle or solid, or the physical world.” In other words, you literally create reality with your thoughts.

It has also been discovered that when one scientist thought that the subatomic particles should act or behave in a certain way, they did. If another scientist thought they should behave in a different way, they did. In other words, the particles that make up our reality changed and responded according to the thoughts of the scientists.

Thoughts are pure energy and energy is magnetic.

This is called the Law of Attraction.

Our Law of Attraction Master Silent Audio Track addresses the fundamental negative belief system that most people have. That is, thay fail to believe that what they focus on they materialise. By ‘listening’ to this track repeatedly you will ‘silently’ install the subconscious belief that what you focus on YOU will materialise.

For the first time ever you have the most powerful tool ever created to bring about long lasting and effective personal change.

Three products in one!!!

Don’t miss this opportunity.

We’ve handcrafted this series of subliminal CDs using our unique 3 – Step Induction System™ to ensure you get the highest quality subliminal messages delivered direct to your subconscious which is why our subliminal CDs are now used by some of the world’s leading executives and mind experts.

Our subliminal CDs are changing lives every single day.

100% Guarantee and SPECIAL OFFER

GUARANTEE: If you aren’t happy with your CD for any reason, just return it to us and we’ll refund every single cent you paid. There’s no shipping, packaging or restocking fee and no questions asked.


Change YOUR mind and change YOUR life, liberate YOUR true life force.

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